Todd Moss is our guest for the January Abuja Literary Society (ALS) Book Jam, Friday, January 26!

ALS Book Jam + Open Mic holds this Friday

Date: Friday, 26 Jan. 2018

Venue: Sandralia Hotel, Jabi, Abuja
Time:  7PM

The Abuja Literary Society will be hosting Todd Moss in the first hour of this Friday’s event.

About Todd Moss
Todd Moss is senior fellow at the Center for Global Development where his research focuses on US-Africa relations, energy policy, and private investment. Moss writes an international thriller series for Penguin’s Putnam Books about a State Department crisis manager including The Golden HourMinute ZeroGhosts of Havana, and The Shadow List

About The Shadow List
The disappearance of a young American in London sends Ryker into the heart of a corruption scandal in Nigeria, at the same time his CIA agent wife Jessica finds herself chasing a Russian master criminal known as the Bear. Unknown to either of them, they are pulling at two ends of the same lethal thread, a staggeringly vicious enterprise of piracy, extortion, and murder. The Shadow List is a cutting-edge novel of international crime and its consequences, from Nigeria to Russia to Washington, from the former deputy assistant secretary of state. 

REMEMBER the ALS Book Jam is an interactive session, so you are free to show up with your questions! We hope to see you there.

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